Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Editorial Topic

I plan to write an editorial on the emergency contraceptive pill Plan B. My view on this is that it is a form of aborton and should not be advertised so lightly to young adults. Plan B is advertised on television as a useful tool to prevent pregnancies, basically comparing it to a form of birth control. And they say it is not abortion even though its advised only to be taken after sex if you don't use a condom or a condom breaks etc. This says to me its okay to not use a condom or birth control because if you think you are pregnant you can just take this pill a day after and everything will be okay. This would be killing your conceived child. I think some people today take Plan B too lighly and see it more as a means of pregnany control then abortion.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feature Story Idea

For the feature story, I am going g to write about how the economy is affecting people, and tips people can use in order to save money I can either interview people of different ages, or make it more specific and interview three people of the same age group.

I will ask the sources if they lost their job, or hours were cut, and if they changed spending ways on food and clothing. And also questions like what's the most devastating affect the economy has had on them; also tips they can give to others who are trying to spend less.

This is a good human interest story because a lot of people can relate to the topic. It can get the reader's attention by seeing what people are going through today. I believe I can set the mood in this paper by getting the readers to feel emotion for the struggling people, and inspire readers to use spending tips so they do not end up broke.