Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feature Story Idea

For the feature story, I am going g to write about how the economy is affecting people, and tips people can use in order to save money I can either interview people of different ages, or make it more specific and interview three people of the same age group.

I will ask the sources if they lost their job, or hours were cut, and if they changed spending ways on food and clothing. And also questions like what's the most devastating affect the economy has had on them; also tips they can give to others who are trying to spend less.

This is a good human interest story because a lot of people can relate to the topic. It can get the reader's attention by seeing what people are going through today. I believe I can set the mood in this paper by getting the readers to feel emotion for the struggling people, and inspire readers to use spending tips so they do not end up broke.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle - I think this is a tall order for the two pages alloted for the feature story. I think you really need to focus this. Maybe show how the economy is affecting people by focusing mainly on one person with the most compelling story? Or, focus on one particular age group (college students?) My son switched majors (from philosophy to criminal justice) largely because of his concern about finding a job after he graduates. Is the economy affecting majors? The humanities? (There hvae been some significant cuts in the mass comm dept for fall). Anyway, I say think narrow, find an angle, and explore it closely, instead of trying to do the economy as a whole. Or, focus specifically on the way people (college students) can save money? See me if you have questions about this.
