Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Editorial Topic

I plan to write an editorial on the emergency contraceptive pill Plan B. My view on this is that it is a form of aborton and should not be advertised so lightly to young adults. Plan B is advertised on television as a useful tool to prevent pregnancies, basically comparing it to a form of birth control. And they say it is not abortion even though its advised only to be taken after sex if you don't use a condom or a condom breaks etc. This says to me its okay to not use a condom or birth control because if you think you are pregnant you can just take this pill a day after and everything will be okay. This would be killing your conceived child. I think some people today take Plan B too lighly and see it more as a means of pregnany control then abortion.

1 comment:

  1. You have certainly chosen a polarizing issue, one that many editorial boards will not touch, because it is such a personal matter, and one that people feel strongly about. Make sure that you back your opinions about Plan B with good facts and research. Remember that an editorial represent the position of your newspaper, not just your own. If you want to be more personal about it, maybe a column would be a better approach? Up to you. Either will work for this class.
